>>> Thibaud Latour is Head of the “Human Dynamics In Cognitive Environments” Research Unit (HDCE) and of the "Cognitive Environment Lab" in the IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) department of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST); and co-founder and advisory of Open Assessment Technologies S.A. (OAT), the editor of the open-source platform TAO. The 30+ full time researchers of the HDCE unit are involved in research projects in the fields of Human-Centered Computing and Ambient Intelligence with a focus on ontology evolution, computational intelligence, personalization and context-aware adaptive systems, crowd-computing, technology-enhanced learning and assessment, as well as Multi-User Natural User Interfaces. Thibaud Latour holds a PhD degree in Computer Chemical-Physics and has developed a diversified background in both Artificial Intelligence applied to Chemo-informatics and knowledge engineering. Since 2000, when he joined first the Public Research Center Henri Tudor to manage an internal Knowledge Management project and then the LIST, he has been active in several national and international projects in the field of Technology-Enhanced Learning where knowledge engineering and semantic web technologies are intensively applied. He is one of the designer and creator of the TAO platform which has been spun off from Tudor in 2013. During the past years, as a project director, he managed all TAO-related projects from the software development perspective as well as from the application perspective. He was also in charge of the development of the +10M€ "Educational Systems and International Surveys" project portfolio at the CRP Henri Tudor. In this context, he and his team were strongly involved in the PISA 2009, 2012, 2015 and PIAAC OECD led international surveys by providing the support for the use of the TAO platform. At LIST, he focuses on Multi-User Natural User Interface for collaborative decision making and team competency assessment.
>>> Current professional occupation @Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
>>> Head of Research Unit "Human Dynamics in Cognitive Environments" ∈ "IT for Innovative Services" department
>>> The HDCE units is a multidisciplinary team performing applied research in the Human-Centric computing field, at the interplay between computer and human science. It studies Cyber-Physical Social Systems and develops Ambient Intelligence technologies that leverage connected physical spaces and objects that citizens and workers use to enhance their individual and collective experience or performance, with a stance on Context-Aware adaptive systems, Embedded technology-based competency assessment and Multi-user natural interaction, and a transversal focus on knowledge evolution, collaboration, crowd-computing and decision support, as well as behaviour analytics, in smart cities, smart manufacturing and smart finance application domains. The unit also operate a "Cognitive Environment Lab" with digital fabrication and prototyping capabilities, fully equipped experimentation room with smart devices (AR/VR, tangible and touch tabletops and screens, wearable devices, immersive projection…).>>> Mission statement ⊳ Leverage connected physical spaces and objects that citizens and workers use to enhance their individual and collective experience or performance.
>>> Research areas ⊳ Human-Centric computing | Ambient Intelligence | Cyber-Physical Social Systems
>>> Research groups ⊳
>>> Founder & Head of the "Cognitive Environment Lab @LIST - CELL"
>>> Co-founder and former CTO @Open Assessment Technology S.A.
>>> When he was researcher and head of unit at the former "Public Research Center Henri Tudor" (now integrated into the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) Thibaud co-designed TAO, the leading Open-Source Computer-Based Competency Assessment platform. After more than 10 years of research and international projects such as the OECD's PISA and PIAAC betwen 2006 and 2015 with leading international organisations such as Educational Testing Services (US) and Australian Council for Education Assessment, the decision was taken to create a start-up to continue the development, distribution, community animation and commercialisation of the platform. Together with colleagues and with personal and institutional investors, he co-founded Open Assessment Technology S.A. (OAT) in Luxembourg and acted as CTO and Managing Director during two years before going back to the research center.
>>> Education
>>> Teaching
>>> Courses ⊳
>>> Supervisions ⊳
>>> Researcher Mobility ⊳
>>> PhD Thesis Jury and Scientific Committee Membership ⊳
>>> Publications
>>> Books ⊳
>>> Book chapters ⊳
>>> Journal articles ⊳
>>> Conference Papers ⊳
>>> Posters ⊳
>>> Technical reports and white papers ⊳
>>> Oral Communications ⊳
>>> Professional seminars and conferences ⊳
>>> Invited Key note lecturer and seminars ⊳
>>> Tutorials ⊳
>>> Other publications ⊳
>>> Projects